YFBTA Youth Program

Delivering educational programs to children and youth to increase awareness of our natural world

Monday, September 12, 2011

Thanks for a great summer!

Thank you everyone for a great summer filled with nature, bugs, frogs, snakes, birds, snails, flowers, plants, trees, sunshine, laugher, fun, games, crafts, art and learning. I am now at the University of Lethbridge and I have started my program with the Faculty of Education. I wish everyone a great year at school! Take care! - Miss. Wilson

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Duck Facts

Today at camp we learned about ducks. Each camper had to pick a duck from the poster and then colour their duck picture to match their duck. Then everyone had to guess everyone else's duck. We learned some interesting facts about ducks.
  • Ducks have 3 eye lids.
  • Ducks are omnivorous which means they will eat both plants and insects.
  • Ducks are found on every continent except for Antarctica.
  • Duck calls include grunts, groans, brays, growls, chips and whistles. Not many ducks actually quack.
  • Ducks can fly over 300 miles per day.
  • There are many different types of ducks including dabbling ducks, diving ducks, perching ducks and stifftail ducks.

Esterhazy Summer Camp August 8-12, 2011

Bird Sightings

Can you spot the Red-winged Blackbird? Or the Cedar Waxwing? How about a Ruddy Duck? Which one is the Blue-winged Teal?

Churchbridge Summer Camp August 2-5, 2011

The World of Bugs

We made some colorful bugs at camp. Did you know these neat bug facts?
  • Mosquitoes have 47 teeth, however, they don't use them to bite.
  • Dragonflies can fly over 60 miles per hour making them one of the fastest bugs!
  • Houseflies jump backwards when they take off to fly.
  • There are 900,000 different kinds of insects in the world.

Visit http://www.rusticgirls.com/animals/bug-facts.html for more bug facts.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Black Bear Sighting on the Leflay Birding Trail

The Leflay Birding Trail

The Leflay Birding Trail offers a great location to watch birds and wildlife. There are over 2 km of trails in the forest. This week at summer camp the students helped to paint new signs and then walk the trail and hang up the way finding signs in the forest. Bird watchers can follow the white trail, the orange trail or the blue trail. Visit our website to see more details on the trail: http://www.yfbta.com/leflay__birding__trail.htm

The Wild Flowers of Saskatchewan

Bergamot Flowers

Looking at Goldenrod Flowers

Saltcoats Summer Camp

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Camp is all about team work!

Nature Camp Artwork

Is it two baby birds????
Is it a bunny????
How many different animals have been here????

Churchbridge Summer Camp

Pond Dipping! A great way to spend the day looking a bugs and water creatures. Beat the heat with pond dipping in the back yard.....

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What Did You Find?

On our nature walk around Leflay Trail we found a few interesting sights....

Summer Fun

The YFBTA Summer Camps have started this week. Here is a group of Saltcoats campers out having some fun on the Leflay Birding Trail.